Drone Policy & Requests
Drones at TCU
TCU values the safety, security and privacy of our community. The use of any unmanned aircraft systems (UAS, also known as drones) is prohibited on campus, unless approved by administration.
To apply for UAS use on campus, you must:
- Complete the form below at least 30 days in advance of the filming or photo shoot date.
- If filming for commercial use, pay a $1,000 location fee per day (one day equals four hours) and provide a script or storyboard for review.
- Provide a certificate of insurance ($1 million liability insurance policy naming TCU as the additional insured).
- Sign a contract outlining the details of the agreement.
- Adhere to all TCU and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations regarding UAS use.
Approval Process
- Step 1: Compete the UAS/Camera Drone Questionnaire and email it to Kim Adams, vice chancellor of internal audit, at kim.adams@tcu.edu.
- Step 2: For commercial filming requests, email a copy of the script or storyboard to marketing@tcu.edu. Please use “Drone request script” in the subject line.
- Step 3: Complete the drone request form.
Approval must be obtained two weeks prior to the event in order to implement security measures.
Drone Request Form
TCU values the safety, security and privacy of our community. The personal use of any unmanned aircraft systems (i.e, drones) is prohibited on campus, unless approved by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (or his/her designee); commercial use by the Vice Chancellor for Marketing and Communication (or his/her designee); or the Provost (or his/her designee) specifically for research and educational purposes. Approval must be obtained two (2) weeks prior to the event in order to implement security measures. Any individual found in violation may be fined up to $500, as defined by Texas law, in addition to other sanctions deemed appropriate by proper authorities. Any operator of a UAS must also follow all applicable state and federal laws pertaining to such operation. Detailed information regarding federal regulations on the use of UAS is available on the Federal Aviation Administration website. Further, any operator of an unauthorized UAS will be held responsible for any injuries or damage caused by the UAS. Procedures and guidelines for personal student use of drones may be found in the Student Code of Conduct; procedures and guidelines for commercial use may be found on brand.tcu.edu under the Resources tab. Approved August 13, 2015.
Any individual found in violation may be fined up to $500, as defined by Texas law, in addition to other sanctions deemed appropriate by proper authorities. Any operator of a UAS must also follow all applicable state and federal laws pertaining to such operation. Detailed information regarding federal regulations on the use of UAS is available on the Federal Aviation Administration website.
Any operator of an unauthorized UAS will be held responsible for any injuries or damage caused by the UAS.