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WordPress provides a host of plugins designed to extend and expand the functionality of the content management system. TCU permits the use of plugins that meet the guidelines set forth by IT Applications, IT Systems, the Office of Website Management, TCU Secure Personal Information and the University’s hosting solution, WP Engine. The use of any unapproved plugin violates TCU’s compliance protocol and will be removed.

WP Engine Disallowed Plugins

TCU’s Disallowed Plugins

TCU’s Allowed Plugins

Contact our office if you would like to submit a plugin to be added into our approved list. The Office of Website Management is responsible for maintaining this list. In order for a plugin to be added to this  approved list, it must meet IT Applications, IT Systems, Office of Website Management, and TCU Secure Personal Information guidelines. Developers are responsible for installing approved plugins. Clients requesting the use of these plugins are responsible for training. The Office of Website & Social Media Management is responsible for maintaining updates to all plugins.

TCU’s Web Standards Plugins

These plugins are included in TCU’s Web Standards Parent Theme. The Office of Website & Social Media Management is responsible for training and maintaining updates to all Web Standards plugins.