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Social Media Intern Application

SuperFrog during game


Join the Team!

TCU’s Social Team is a diverse group of student volunteers who assist the Office of Communications in creating meaningful and engaging content across TCU’s social media channels. Our work showcases the spirit of belonging and intellectual curiosity that defines TCU.

Who can join?

The Social Team is open to all TCU undergraduate and graduate students who have skills in content planning and creation for social media, including photography, videography and graphic design.

Team Responsibilities

Team members assist in the planning, implementation and creation of TCU’s social media and video efforts. Team members meet with the Social Media Specialist on a weekly basis for content/strategy planning. Members will be expected to sign a confidentiality and intellectual property agreement and follow TCU’s Code of Student Conduct.

Application and Membership

Each applicant will be evaluated based on:

  • Skills and experience in planning and creating digital content
  • Level of engagement with various student activities
  • Time commitment available
  • Photography, videography and graphic design capabilities

TCU Social Team Application

This application is for TCU students interested in volunteering for the Social Team, TCU’s student social media team.

TCU Social Team Application
Additional link optional
What social networks do you use? *
Of the social media platforms you use, which is your favorite? *